Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /data/web/virtuals/7496/virtual/www/domains/ on line 1318

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /data/web/virtuals/7496/virtual/www/domains/ on line 1350
Archived News

Hello everyone,

I bet you noticed something looks different here.

Finally I have started to replace the obsolete static HTML site by a more flexible technology. It was really necessary, as I was not able to keep the content up to date - every change in content required programatic skills.

The site content is only half complete, and I have been updating it continuously.

Hopefully everything works fine, but if you find anything that seems like an error, please let me know in the Comments section after this post.

Posted on 2013 Oct 13
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